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E-Tools WP3
The goals of this work package are aimed at realizing an ICT shell that is added to the existing EKFI Exchange platform: This platform focuses on the exchange by uploading and downloading existing learning materials and research documents without payment (barter system). This new web based ICT extension focuses on developing new learning resources in teams (across border collaboration) that meet the needs of management and teachers, entrepreneurs and others and fit into the EU qualification system.
Based on the methods and techniques developed in work package 2, we
foresee three major elements:
1. Extension User management module: the user module needs to be extended so the teachers can indicate their contributions to possible projects and there competence level for development. If there is a new material development request on the EKFI platform the system can choose possible participants. 2. Module New Material: development: before EKFI can help a user with the development of new material, the request need be defined inside the system. The submitter is then free to ask possible participants to join the project or he/she can publish the project so that everyone can contact the submitter.
3. Module Development Guidance: when a team starts the development of new material, the EKFI platform will help the project members with hints and tips and tricks on how to use collaboration software and what tools are available on the internet. The aim of this project is to bring together people with similar needs to develop new teaching materials.
To do this, the needs, competencies, etc. of these people have to be matched. The development project must be supported at educational level, project management, communication methodologies, process management. The ICT components will support this process.
Presentation Evaluation EKFI-Platform
Self-assessment tool: Team dynamics
Team dynamics are critical for the success of the collaborative project. Without positive team dynamics, your team can’t fully leverage the potential of your team members and tap into their skills and experience. A group with a positive dynamic is easy to spot. Team members trust one another, they work towards a collective decision, and they hold one another accountable for making things happen. As well as this, researchers have found that when a team has a positive dynamic, its members are nearly twice as creative as an average group.
Contributing to Team Success, Building Positive Working Relationships, Building Trust, Managing Conflict, Gaining Commitment and Communication Skills have been identified are key competences for properly managing a collaborative team.
Get ready to find out your attitude towards these subjects!
This scan consists of questions concerning the six competences mentioned above. Choose an answer. After you answered all questions, per subject a score and conclusion will be shown. The conclusion gives insight into your "collaborative attitude" and provides some tips for improving your success in the implementation of collaborative projects.
Go to the scan (5 languages):
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